

Nice to meet you! My name is Ivan and this is my personal homepage. Here you'll find write-ups on some of the topics noted below and links to my profiles on the various social media services.


Currently engaging with alyla.xyz to aid in the development and execution of growth and operational strategy for SMEs.


As of late spending time reading up on algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence, operations research, econometrics (+ data analytics with python), reverse engineering (+ assembly programming), embedded systems, and system and architecure design.

Kinda everywhere. Story of my life. :)


Outside of the immediatly professional, I enjoy spending time doing the usual things like enjoying good food with friends and family, reading, working out and/or spending time outdoors, traveling, listening to music and podcasts, and keeping up with markets and current events.

Come around more often and connect with me on the relevant social networks. (linked in the nav section). Alternatively, you can reach out via email. mail to: me at ivanhb dot xyz